



[美國直購 ShopUSA] SCobra 探測器 XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Detector with 360-Degree Protection $3239


學到不少~~~果真是家有一老如有一寶!! ^.^






20131218bs_SCobra XRS9370
  • Compact unit detects all 14 radar/laser bands at greater range than its predecessor

  • Super-fast sweep circuitry provides extra detection range and the best possible advanced warning to even the fastest radar guns

  • VG-2 radar detector-detector undetectable; alert lets the user know when they are under the surveillance of a VG-2 device

  • City/ Highway modes allow the user to select operating mode which reduces the frequency of falsing in densely populated urban areas

  • UltraBright data display provides easy recognition of band detected by use of band identification icons

  • Superfast sweep circuitry provides extra detection range and the best possible advanced warning to even the fastest radar guns.

  • Pop Mode detects the latest Radar Gun POP

  • Product Information

  • Style: XRS9370

  • Technical Details

    Item Weight:??? 4.8 ounces

    Product Dimensions:?????????? 2.8 x 1.3 x 4.2 inches

    Item model number: XRS9370

    Warranty:???????? 1 year

    Height (inches):????????? 3.75 inches

    Width哪裡便宜 (inches)???? :6.80 inches

    Weight: 1.5 Pounds

    Additional Information

    ASIN? B004RO3QOM

    Technical Details

    Style: XRS9370

    Model: XRS9370

    Width: 6.80 inches

    Height: 3.75 inches

    Weight: 1.49 pounds

    Warranty: 1 year

    Product Description

    Style: XRS9370

    From the精選優惠 Manufacturer

    The XRS 9370 provides total protection and peace of m商品ind with the Xtreme Range Superheterodyne technology, detecting all 14 radar/laser bands at greater range than its predecessor. It comes in an industry-leading compact design with UltraBright Data Display, LaserEye, and much more.

    Cobra XRS 9370

    Basic radar/laster detection without all the bells and whistles. Click here for a larger image

    Xtreme Range Superheterodyne Technology

    Super-fast sweep circuitry provides extra detection range and the best possible advanced warning to even the fastest radar guns.

    Pop Mode Radar Gun Detection

    Detects the latest Radar Gun Pop (Super-fast Instant-On) Mode.

    IntelliMute / IntelliMute Pro

    The IntelliMute relative speed sensing auto-mute system virtually eliminates false alerts, and the IntelliMute Pro feature renders your detector undetectable by currently available radar detector-detectors.

    VG-2 Undetectable

    Provides complete immunity to VG-2 radar detector-detectors.

    UltraBright Data Display

    Provides easy recognition of band detected by use of band identification icons.

    Cobra XRS 9370 Front到貨付款

    Provides easy recognition of band detected by use of band identification icons.

    Cobra XRS 9370 Top

    Quick and convenient access to most used features--mute, dim, city/highway switch, etc.

    Ku Band Detection

    Detects Ku Band Radar Gun currently being used in Europe. Be prepared for future introduction in the U.S.


    Provides 360-degree detection of laser signals.

    VG-2 Alert

    Alerts the user when they are under surveillance of VG-2 radar detector-detectors.

    Safety Alert

    Warns drivers of the presence and/or approaching emergency vehicles, railroad crossing, and road hazard locations equipped with Cobra's exclusive Safety Alert transmitters.

    Auto Mute

    Automatically mutes the alert tone for enhanced driver convenience.

    Digital Signal Strength Meter

    Provides the driver with relative proximity to the target using 5-level digital signal strength meter.

    City/Highway Modes

    Allows the user to select operating mode, reducing the frequency of falsing in densely polulated urban areas.

    Dim Mode

    Allows the user to dim the radar detector display enhancing night driving visibility.

    Stay Set Electronic Memory

    Electronically remembers radar detector settings for an indefinite period of time even with the power removed.




    [美國直購 ShopUSA] SCobra 探測器 XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Detector with 360-Degree Protection $3239





    英國前首相卡麥隆(David Cameron)為解決唐寧街「鼠患」,於2011年飼養虎斑貓賴瑞,賴瑞並於該年2月15日就任「捕鼠官」,除了解決鼠患外,賴瑞的職責也包括迎賓、安檢,以及測試古董家具用來睡眠的質量。在卡麥隆去職後,賴瑞便換了新主人梅伊(Theresa May),繼續用牠肥嘟嘟的身材執行任務。





    為協助金融科技產業發展,金管會主委顧立雄 18 日指出,已與台北市政府討論金融科技創新園區,初步交流會談結果很具體及很有可行性,期待配合金融科技創新條例下,讓金融科技創新園區可以在明年下半年運作。

    顧立雄 18 日下午與台灣金融服務業聯合總會暨金融業相關公會座談,研商「106 年金融建言白皮書」。他說,金管會將持續推動金融科技創新、普及金融服務、鼓勵金融業支持實體產業發展,同時,在金融監理上維持公司治理、差異化管理及金融穩定,對於金融總會之前提出的金融建言白皮書,金管會也將在可從事監理有效性的前提下,盡量鬆綁,放寬範圍包括業務面及跨部會的協調等。

    此外,為協助金融科技產業發展,顧立雄日前就表示,將與台北市政府好好溝通、找一塊地,預計在台北市設立「金融科技創新園區」,形成「聚落」,提供金融科技業者便宜的租金及完善的輔導機制。17 日金管會也已與台北市政府代表會談,北市府代表同意進一步評估,並願意協助金管會找地。


    至於中共 19 大18 日召開,顧立雄也希望19大後的兩岸關係和緩,兩岸工作層級的交流可以持續,兩岸金融三會能夠繼續進行,並重申在對等的前提下,金管會可以不拘時間、形式進行相互交流。

    [美國直購 ShopUSA] SCobra 探測器 XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Detector with 360-Degree Protection $3239


    [美國直購 ShopUSA] SCobra 探測器 XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Detector with 360-Degree Protection $3239


    [美國直購 ShopUSA] SCobra 探測器 XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Detector with 360-Degree Protection $3239


    [美國直購 ShopUSA] SCobra 探測器 XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Detector with 360-Degree Protection $3239


    [美國直購 ShopUSA] SCobra 探測器 XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Detector with 360-Degree Protection $3239


    [美國直購 ShopUSA] SCobra 探測器 XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Detector with 360-Degree Protection $3239


    [美國直購 ShopUSA] SCobra 探測器 XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Detector with 360-Degree Protection $3239


    [美國直購 ShopUSA] SCobra 探測器 XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Detector with 360-Degree Protection $3239


    [美國直購 ShopUSA] SCobra 探測器 XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Detector with 360-Degree Protection $3239


    [美國直購 ShopUSA] SCobra 探測器 XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Detector with 360-Degree Protection $3239


    [美國直購 ShopUSA] SCobra 探測器 XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Detector with 360-Degree Protection $3239


    [美國直購 ShopUSA] SCobra 探測器 XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Detector with 360-Degree Protection $3239


    [美國直購 ShopUSA] SCobra 探測器 XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Detector with 360-Degree Protection $3239



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